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Valuations for Estate, Gift, & Income Tax Planning Strategies

We Know How to Navigate the Ever-Changing Laws and Regulations

Often overlooked, a valuation can be an essential part of the overall financial and tax planning strategies of a business owner. Financial strategies are becoming more complex and usually have some tax exposure as it relates to the valuation and related discounts of a closely-held business.

Built on valuation expertise, Vision Point Capital offers business valuations for estate, gift and income tax planning purposes that stand up to inspection from regulatory bodies worldwide.

Estate & Gift

Tax Valuations

With proper estate planning, significant wealth can be transferred to the next generation through closely-held businesses or entities. However, these transfers need to be documented and properly valued to satisfy disclosure requirements and start the clock on the statute of limitations.

Not surprisingly, these transfers have been and will most likely continue to be under IRS scrutiny and audit. When you work with our advisory team, you can rest assured that we have the necessary expertise and tax law knowledge to perform valuations that will withstand regulatory scrutiny.

Income Tax Valuations

Whether trying to entice a key executive with equity-based compensation, establishing the value for an S-corporation conversion, or taking a charitable deduction on your income tax return, you must report transactional arrangements at fair market value.

Fair market value for closely-held businesses typically requires a valuation because a publicly traded price is not available for reference. In these instances, valuation by an independent third party – like Vision Point Capital – is a good idea and can serve as an insurance policy against accuracy-related penalties and unwanted tax assessments.

The experts at Vision Point Capital perform a variety of income tax valuations, but our most common include:

Equity compensation

S-corporation conversions

Charitable giving

Noncompete agreements

Our Valuations Withstand IRS Challenges

Vision Point Capital was founded on valuation services, and it continues to be one of our main focuses. Rest assured that we have qualifications and experience to perform any valuation for income, estate, and gift tax planning strategies. Furthermore, our valuations have withstood challenges from the IRS and have been used directly in negotiations with IRS cases.

Also, Vision Point Capital meets the IRS requirements for a qualified appraiser for tax-related valuations (see IRC Section 170). We have earned an appraisal designation and have reached the education and experience requirements.